Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Selah Saturday's

From Antioch Christian Fellowship:


Calling all new, budding and established Christian choirs, quartets, soloists, rappers, rock bands!

This is an opportunity to exercise your gift during our Selah Saturday Worship Services hosted by Antioch Christian Fellowship.

Selah Saturdays ™ is an innovative worship experience infusing musical diversity to cross cultural barriers. While contemporary in nature, the service will focus on Worship and the Word. Regardless of your musical genre, this is a chance to glorify God with the gift He's given you. It is our heart and God given passion to provide a venue for new Gospel and Contemporary Christian musicians by affording them the opportunity to exercise their gifts in a live worship environment.

We're currently signing people up for our 2010 schedule.

Please contact Katina Butler via email at if you are interested.