Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reformation Day

On this day, 492 years ago, in the town of Wittenberg, Martin Luther nailed a protest to the door of the Schlosskirche. This document, known as the 95 theses, sparked a Reformation that not only changed the Christian world, but the entire world, profane and sacred alike.

The people had been held in darkness, under the harsh and callous taskmaster that the Roman Church had become over the previous 1000 years. Burdened by a salvation that was based around works, and the capricious whims of a corrupt papal system, the people had no idea of the gospel, no comfort, or assurance in their salvation, and no knowledge of the blessed Savior beyond the basic liturgical framework.

Praise the Lord that He raised up men who stood against this corruption. They were not perfect, no more so than the twelve men who walked with the Savior during His earthly ministry, but they were guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and followed a path that had been blazed by brave men before them, Jan Hus, and John Wycliffe being two of them.

May we be bold in OUR proclamation of the gospel, and our care for the souls whom God has entrusted to us.

Post Tenebras Lux (After Darkness, Light!)

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to LCEMA - "Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Lake Cities"

Welcome to the Lake Cities Evangelical Ministerial Alliance (LCEMA) of Texas!

Let us start this first post by providing our vision statement:

Vision/Purpose Statement: The Lake Cities Evangelical Ministerial Alliance (LCEMA) is an association of local Pastors/ministers from many traditions, who support one another in personal ministry through prayer, fellowship, and resource sharing. Our desire is to see the Gospel proclaimed boldly in the community which God has placed us. In light of that, the alliance is geared around the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and our work will be directed by the Biblical imperative found in Matthew 28:18 – 20: And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

We hope to periodically update this blog to keep everyone informed of activities, ministries and events that the LCEMA sponsor or participate in.